# --------------------------------------
# WWWStat4Mac  © P.J.Hardman 1995-1996. email redpoint@kagi.com.
#          Preferences file.
# WWWStat4Mac is Shareware ($10). Don't forget to REGISTER your copy.
# This file should be in the preferences folder in the system folder.
# --------------------------------------
# Any line that starts with a # is ignored. The program doesn't expect
# to find the information below in the any order but it does help to keep things tidy. 
# Each option has two parts. The option identifier and the argument. Please make sure 
# that you have both of these parts as I can't guarantee what might happen if one is missing.
# Here we go!
# If you've been good and sent in you registration fee, then you will have got a message from 
# kagi telling you how to register the program. To make it a bit easier I've even added the
# option for you to fill in below. Just type in the code.
registration_code TYPE_CODE_HERE!
# First lets start with the basic file generation options.
# What do you want the file to be called? This is just the default name that appears in
# the programs Save Dialog or the filename if you have auto_save turned on.
# Note that the file will be saved in the same directory/folder as the log file.
file_name statistics.html
# Do you want to automatically save the output file. This option means that a file with
# the name file_name is created. If a file with this name already exists it is overwritten.
# [on/off]. When a file is created automatically, it is saved in the SAME FOLDER as the log
# file that you created it from.
auto_save off
# Which application would you like to have created the file? 
# For example BBEdit is R*ch. SimpleText is ttxt.
file_creator R*ch
# Do you want the errors to be excluded?.For example if a file doesn't exist and the request 
# fails then we don't add it to the list of files requested. 
# However the site that tried to access the file will be included. [on/off]
exclude_errors on
# How many sites and files do you want to keep track of?
# This option is now implemented in version 1.3!
max_sites 2000
max_files 500
# Do you want to create a cache of the information processed?. If you make a cache file then
# the next time the log file is analysed all of the data already in the cache can be used to
# save processing time. Then only the new information in the log has to be added to the
# cache. The only caveat is that if you change your options the cache might become invalid.
#	This is most important if you changed the file or site filters.
# This option is either on or off.
create_cache off
# The output file will always contain, as a bare minimum, a summary of the server traffic.
# Including the no.hits, no. sites, no. files and total bytes transfered. 
# However the next 4 options can be added as needed. [on/off]
# 1. Site Statistics. (Show the top N sites or all if N=0).
# -------------------
site_stats on
# 2. File Statistics. (Show the top N files or all if N=0).
# -------------------
file_stats on
# 3. Robot Statistics. This attempts to list all the net robots,spiders and search
# engines that have accessed your server and requested the file robots.txt
robot_stats off
# 4. Domain Statistics. This makes a list of hits and bytes transfered to each of the domains.
# The domain list came from the following URL:
# http://www.ics.uci.edu/WebSoft/wwwstat/country-codes.txt.
# If you need to make additions to the file these can be added in the STR# resource ID 129.
domain_stats off
# How many domain names would you like to cache?
# This option allows you to make a local domain name cache so that you can resolve
# domain names without having to look them up. If you don't want to have a cache set this
# option to zero. A good idea is to process the log without a domain cache and see how many
# unresolved hits there are by looking at the domain stats. Then increase the cache to
# about half of this. There will nearly always be some sites that cannot be resolved.
dns_cache 0
# Traffic Statistics.
# Do you want to see when your server is busiest? Which month had the most accesses? Which
# day of the week sees the most hits? Then this is where you set these options.
# If you want to collect statistics for the amount of traffic that you server is getting then
# you can request data covering several time spans. You can look at the data by Hour of Day,
# Day of Week,Day of Year, Week of Year, and by Month of Year. You can choose to have some or
# all of these options on at the same time.
# traffic_stats hourly
# traffic_stats daily
# traffic_stats weekly
# traffic_stats monthly
# traffic_stats dayofyear  
# How do you want to display your traffic? Do you want to see the number of bytes transfered or
# the number of accesses? You have three options bytes,hits or both.
# traffic_display both
# How many sites files and domains do you actually want to show?
# **NOTE**. If you want show all of the sites/files/domains then make these values 0.
# **NOTE**. If you have the output as tables (see later) then it is best to limit 
# these values to less than 50. Otherwise browsers will require large amounts of memory to
# display these tables.
top_sites 0
top_files 0
top_domains 0
# How do you want to sort the SITE data that is collected. You have five options 
# [name/hits/bytes/date/visits].See later for info on how to specify a 'visit'.
# Sort by name sorts alphabetically. By hits, bytes and visits sort in descending order.
# By date sorts in reverse chronological order. So most recent sites come first.
sort_sites name
# How do you want to sort the file data that is collected. You have five options 
# [name/hits/bytes/date/size].
# Sort by name sorts alphabetically. By hits, bytes and size sort in descending order.
# By date sorts in reverse chronological order. So most recent files come first.
sort_files bytes
# How do you want to sort the domain data that is collected. You have four options 
# [name/hits/bytes/date].
# Sort by name sorts alphabetically. By hits and bytes sort in descending order.
# By date sorts in reverse chronological order. So most recent domains come first.
sort_domains hits
#	Now that you have defined what you want in the output file in the way of sites/files/domains
# it is now time to FINE TUNE the analysis of the information.
# Inclusions. This option allows you to define in the next section up to 
# 50 sites and 50 files that you would like to explicitly include in the output. You might
# want to do this because you only want to look at a portion of your statistics file.
# You can later exclude any files that are included here, but that you don't want to show
# in the final result. For example gifs.
# First list each SITE that you want to INCLUDE on a separate line.
# Make sure that there is only one space between inclusion and the sitename.
# Don't forget to include the IP address in case the DNR resolver isn't active.
# Wildcards are also supported at either the beginning or end of a string but not 
# in the middle.
# site_inclusion your.host.machine.here
# site_inclusion
# site_inclusion *.com include all US commercial sites
# Now list each FILE that you want to include on a separate line.
# NOTE. Don't forget that you need to supply the full path name for the file as it would 
# appear in the access log. These files are not case sensitive, as we convert all file
# names to lowercase before comparing them.
# Wildcards are also supported at either the beginning OR end of a string but not 
# in the middle.
# file_inclusion *.gif  This would include all of the gif images.
# 6. Exclusions. This option allows you to define in the next section up to 
# 50 sites and 50 files that you would like EXCLUDING from the output. You might
# want to do this to stop some private files from being display in the statistics file.
# Or to stop accesses from your own machine being added during heavy testing sessions. 
# If a file is excluded then it's data is not added to the grand total and it is not included
# in the total number of accesses.
# NOTE: If you want to exclude not only the site but also the files that it is accessing then
# set the site_and_file option to on. Otherwise the site will be excluded but the file that was 
# accessed will still be counted.
site_and_file off
# NOTE: If you want to exclude a file and also the site that was accessing it then
# set the file_and_site option to on. Otherwise the file will be excluded but the site that was 
# accessed will still be counted.(unless excluded elsewhere)
file_and_site off
# Now list each SITE that you want to EXCLUDE on a separate line.
# **NOTE** Make sure that there is only one space between exclusion and the sitename.
# Don't forget to include the IP address in case the DNR resolver isn't active.
# Wildcards are also supported at either the beginning or end of a string but not 
# in the middle.
# site_exclusion your.host.machine.here
# site_exclusion
# site_exclusion *.com   this would exclude all US commercial sites
# Now list each FILE that you want to exclude on a separate line.
# NOTE. Don't forget that you need to supply the full path name for the file as it would 
# appear in the access log. These files are not case sensitive, as we convert all file
# names to lowercase before comparing them.
# Wildcards are also supported at either the beginning or end of a string but not 
# in the middle.
# file_exclusion *.gif This would exclude all of the gif images.
file_exclusion /statistics.html
file_exclusion /robots.txt
# ***** NOTE *****
# All exclusions/inclusions are decided in the following order.
# 1. First check sites for inclusions. If included then carry on otherwise goto 4.
# 2. If included then check for exclusions. If not excluded then goto 4.
# 3. If site_and_file on then also exclude file.
# 4. Check for file inclusions. If included and not excluded in 3 then process.
# 5. If included check for exclusions. If not excluded then process.
# 6. If file_and site on then also exclude site.
# Process the site and file using current exclusions. 
#	Misc Options.
# *************
# Default File Mapping.
# When a request is made to the server and there is no file defined then this goes into the log
# as a request for /. But this is the same as requesting the default file so we can make hits 
# on / look like hits on the default file. The default file is specified as the argument to
# this option. This replaces the old option map_default_to_home since not all servers have
# home.html as the default file. If the old option is used this automatically calls the 
# map_default_to_file option with the argument home.html. 
# NEW IN VERSION 1.2 This option is now extended to also include hits on folders for example
# /foo/bar/ appears in the log as /foo/bar/home.html  etc. 
map_default_to_file home.html
# Custom Domains.
# If you want to add your own custom domains these can be specified by adding the new_domain
# option followed by the partial string that need matching. It is important that the whole
# option is in a single string. So for example :-
# new_domain UK_Academic.ac.uk
# new_domain UK_Commercial.co.uk
# new_domain Demon_UK.demon.co.uk
# new_domain Manchester_Univ.man.ac.uk
# new_domain Digital_Computer.dec.com
# new_domain IBM_Computer.ibm.com
# new_domain Apple_Computer.apple.com.
#  where .apple.com. is the string that is matched. Any 
# sites ending like this will then be added to the domain called Apple_Computer.
# It is also possible to map machines to aliases too. For example 
# new_domain Peter_Hardman.sodium.ch.man.ac.uk
# maps any hits from the machine sodium.ch.man.ac.uk to Peter_Hardman.
# There is a limit of 40 custom domains, but this should be more than enough :-)
# Calculating Visits
# More often than not a site will access the server and retrieve a collection of files. This 
# set of files can be thought of as a single "visit" to the server. To define each "visit" we 
# need to set a time between hits that we would expect to to occur in a single visit. So if you
# are serving large text files that need a while to read then set your visit time to be quite
# high. If on the other hand you are serving small text files or small graphics then you might
# want a small visit time. The time is defined in SECONDS. Default time is 300s (ie 5 mins).
visit_time 300
# Domain Name Resolving
# Version 1.1 adds the ability to resolve names using the domain name system. This gives you
# the opportunity to resolve names that were not resolved by the web-server either because the 
# DNS was down, too slow, or turned off. You need to do two things to get this working.
# First set the resolve_names on or off. Then set the resolve_time to a value in seconds that
# you wish to wait for the DNS to return. If you set the time to 0 then the application will 
# wait until the DNS returns or fails to find a name. Be warned however that this could take up
# to 120 seconds per item!!!!
resolve_names off
resolve_time  10  Note. Due to problems with OpenTransport this feature has been disabled.
# Active Links.
# Do you want the files that are listed in the output to have active links that can be chosen
# in the web browser? This means that someone can look at the stats file and then jump to the
# most popular pages directly.
# If so then turn this option on. Otherwise the files will not be accessible directly from
# the stats file.
active_links off
# Create Tables?
# If you want your output to consist of Tables rather than a simple text file then leave this
# option off. Otherwise turn it on to get stunning tables :-) Of course you need a browser 
# capable of displaying tables for example Netscape Navigator or Microsoft's Internet Explorer.
create_tables off
# If you want an audible alert that the processing has finished turn on the following option
# otherwise set it to off.
completion_sound on
# If you want to truncate the file names for cgi-hits then turn this option on. It will
# stop the name before the ?. This option will filter any such things include image map hits.
# In fact anything with a ? in it :-)
filter_cgi_hits on
# Do you want to include a custom header or footer automatically to your outputed log file?
# For example you could add your company logo at the top and add a button bar at the bottom
# of the file. To do this make files called 'WWWStat4Mac Prefix' and 'WWWStat4Mac Suffix'
# and put them in the preferences folder.
# Then turn on the following options.
prefix_file off
suffix_file off
# Site and file aliases. If you have a file that you want to make look like some other file
# or a site that has dynamic names that you want to group together then this is where you do
# it. 
# For example host123.aol.com and host321.aol.com can all be made to look like aol.com 
# by using the site_alias option below.
# site_alias *.aol.com aol.com
# You can make hits on a file look like hits on another. This option can also be used to group
# files together for example gifs.
# file_alias *.gif gif_files
#	include_date_in_table  on
#	include_time_in_table  off
# Use these options if you want to display the last access time/date of a file/site
# in the output tables. This is most useful if you are sorting these lists by date and
# want to show the last X files accessed or the last X sites to access the server. This is
# really good when used in conjunction with the auto-processing options and the caching for 
# rapid log processing.
#	file_type  *.html HTML_Documents
#	file_type  *.hqx Encoded_Macintosh_Files
# Use the file type options when you want to keep track of specific files types. This option 
# lets you track how many unique files of each type are served, and the total number of files
# of that type served. The option consists of two parts. The first is the type that you want
# to match. This can contain wildcards at either end of the type. The second is a string 
# giving a description of the type. If you do not wish to enter a description then you can 
# leave this field blank. 
# ******************************************************************************************
# ******************************************************************************************
# ** If there are any problems with this file or you find something that is not explained **
# ** fully then please drop me a line.                                                    **
# ** Peter Hardman   email redpoint@kagi.com                                              **
# ******************************************************************************************
# ******************************************************************************************
| Intro | Quick Start | General Info | Registration | History | Reference | FAQ's. | Customise | Download | Thanks |

This file last modified on 5-Oct-96 at 11:25 pm by Peter Hardman.